Chapter 0


Chapter 0: Lights Out!

Hello all and welcome to Eden! Not yet filled with apocalypses of course, but you know. We’ll get there. Together. Or more, I’ll get there and then you’ll get to read about it.

Were here to put the FUN back in APOCALYPSE. Funpocalypse maybe? Eh who knows.


*Ahem* Anyways, everyone say hello to our lovely founder, Evie Eden. Evie what do you have to say to our lovely readers?

“I want to make out with three different sims.”


I made Evie a romance sim to start with since she’s going to be needing to make lots of… ‘friends’ to invite over once you-know-what starts. Plus it seems you can build up relationships faster with dating than you can with just befriending people the regular way. They’re also usually pretty easy to keep happy, and since she’s going to be practically chained to the energizer until the end of college I need her to have attainable wants. We’ll see how things go during the sophomore re-roll though, I don’t want to have to deal with her whining because she’s not allowed to call people over or go on dates.



Evie is off ‘befriending’ people with no time to waste.

“So tell me, I know you’re more of a balls man yourself, but have you ever consider playing for a different team ?”

*cough* She’s talking about sports kids.



*gasp* “How dare you! We only met and now you’re sugg-“

“Have I mentioned that I’m a Legacy Sim?”

“Uh, I mean of course I’d consider it! Who doesn’t enjoy changing sports every once and awhile.”

Hahaha oh dormies, so thirsty for that legacy life. Toby here will make good aspiration fodder, but I don’t think he’s match material. You can’t see it here but his jaw is a little funky, and I’d like to keep the family genes as uncorrupted as I can for at -least- one generation.

That and I’m not sure how he’d react once he found out about the little uh, fun surprise that’s coming. So we’ll keep looking.



Aside from molesting most of the students on campus, Evie’s college years passed pretty much uneventfully; chained to her various aspiration rewards and power skilling.

‘But milaek!’ I hear you cry ‘Skilling doesn’t take all that long!’

Well you would be correct, it doesn’t take too long. But I had to get her skill requirements out of the way because I, as usual, have a MASTER PLAN.



And it may or may not involve what you see here.

“My back aches from being on my feet all day, there are an ungodly amount of thorns in my fingers, and I just dropped out of Platinum. But you know. Anything for some GOSH DARNED FLOWERS.”

…She’ll thank me later.



Besides, it only takes a quick pillow fight with Boyfriend# 4 here for her to be Platinum and Energizer ready.



Before the end of Sophomore Year though I had her take a break from her flowery prison to have all of her ‘friends’ donate to the ‘milaek-won’t-tear-her-eyes-out’ foundation

By which I mean I gave them all some much needed makeovers.

With her 8 neat points, Evie was a natural stylist and had her subjects fixed up on the first try for the most part.



What? I did say for the most part…

*the Carrie theme plays*



Nah, she turned out ok.

“I’m never coming here again.”

See? Totally fine!



Evie made it into the Secret Society pretty easily which was nice…



…If not mildly nerve wracking.

“Ooh, two of my boyfriends in one place? Hmm… I think I’ll roll up wants to flirt with BOTH of them right now.”


“Lalala can’t hear you!”

FRIKIN LEAVE!!! *click click click*



Luckily she made it out without having something autonomous lead to her losing two of the 14 friends that she needs for her career AND throwing her into the red.

Instead she peacefully went back to school, finished Sophomore Year, re-rolled to knowledge, and FINALLY made me one of these babies.

Put one of these suckers next to your bed at night, and wake up feeling almost completely fulfilled! Of course they’re more useful in bulk but, uh, because of reasons we only need one for now.

Her LTW is to be a Criminal Mastermind, which I’m slightly tempted to let her do as her lifted restriction, but reeeeally I can’t risk her husband graduating without a diploma afterwards and screwing me to the wind. Which is annoying because that means no Permaplat when I need it! Or probably ever! *grumble grumble*

Oh, for those of you who are interested Evie is a Cancer, 8/5/4/3/5. Picked her secondary aspiration as Family so that she’ll hopefully roll SOME wants to actually take care of her damn future children.



Her not being a Romance sim anymore has the added bonus of letting me get her engaged without losing aspiration points! The chosen sim? You may not recognize him after his sweet make-over, but this is old Boyfriend #4. Turns out he has the right skills for reaching Evie’s dream in her stead! I was thinking I would lift Life of Crime third, but hey I can’t afford to be too picky. He’s decently attractive and has a strong skillset, so welcome to hell Kevin Suwankiri.

Oh maxis name generator… *facepalm*



Just before she was due to graduate we finally ran into this guy Downtown. Always good to have one Vampire in the friend pool, for all your emergency vampiric needs.



And thus she graduated! Summa Cum Laude of course, I’ve spent far to much time on this game to get anything else under regular parameters.

*cough* Might be the last one for a while though.

She was also Big Sim on Campus because dear GOD 14 is a lot of friends. 15 if you count Fiance Kevin.



“Moving out the same day as the Super Bowl? Lucky! There will be like, no traffic!”

Uh, yes Evie. Lucky. Haha.



*ominous flushing noises*



*cue explosions*

“Hehehe the radiation tickles!”



“I feel… strange. The Thinking Cap I accidentally forgot to take off must have shielded me from the worst of the brain altering waves, and spared me from the horrible physical mutations everyone else seems to be experiencing.”

Uh, you may want to look the mirror Miss Cat Eyes.

“Life as we know it is over…  I know what I have to do.”

Create a family of sims and pets tasked with lifting 24 to 25 restrictions and saving simkind from Zombie Apocalypse?

“I was going to say move to Simbabway.”

Funny how only one of those two options is going to happen. Now take that off and get in the Zombie Taxi you just finished calling; We’ve got work to do.



*grumble grumble* “Fine, but I’m taking the stupid hat with me for the ride.”

Haha maybe it’ll keep your brains safe until you get to the safehouse I just built you. You’re welcome. Ungrateful sim…

Zombie Taxi Woman “Braaaaaaaiiiinnnnss?”

Sorry lady, not today. I need this one alive.



That’s it for this time folks, tune in next time, where we’ll have red plumbbobs and whiney sims galore! Same Apoca-time same Apoca-channel!

milaek out!

(The Apocalypse Challenge rules by Pinstar can be found on,

CC by a whole bunch of of people who are more creative than I am and that I can’t remember, but most of ’em from MTS2)



“Oh yeah I see how it is, ignore those of us who do the -real- work around here.

…damn sexy influence skills…”


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